
When you are studying full time, you would get a lot of syllabi. And usually at the beginning of the semester which is ideal as would have the time you need to properly and figure out how to use your time effectively.

1. Use a syllabus to prepare and plan your time

Syllabi are not only meant to tell you what is going to be due during your semester. As they are also given to you so you know how much of your time you will be spending in any given class.

Your entire life will not just be about school however, you will need to know how school will fit into it.

2. Use a syllabus to finish projects early

When you have a full semester, it is very helpful to get as much as you can finished early. You have probably noticed that near to the end of the semester, classes tend to pile up. For example, you have 5 research papers due in two week, three important exams and another 5 books which you need to finish reading.

The remedy here is quite simple, if you get some things sorted and out of the way earlier into your semester, you can focus more of your mental energy on things that cannot be moved (like exams)

3. Record due dates on your own calendar — don’t leave them on your syllabus

This problem is seen a lot. Far too many students would do a good job of making use of their syllabi to get the books they need for the semester in order to know about what to expect from the semester but then would leave all those important dates on their syllabus. Instead of marking them onto a calendar.

If you are not using a calendar, it is time you gave it a try and start by putting your due dates on it.

4. Use a syllabus to define your daily task list months in advance

This is the area where we often see the most missed opportunity for students. You do not need to wait until the morning of a school day for you to know what you would be doing in class.

As soon as your due date are recorded, you can proceed to construct a to-do list for each day. This will help you know in advance as to what each day would look like for you. It is also a good tool to use in real life as it to a great degree would help spread out the workload.

Finally, using a syllabus in this way would be the most effective way to ease stress loads that school could bring about.