
In recent years we have seen a large number of small and medium sized businesses embracing freelancers, thanks to the flexibility that comes along with having a virtual team. So far, there are no indicators that this trend will not continue, especially after the Covid-19 pandemic made working from home a norm.

Buyers had also increased their reliance on digital channels, making it necessary for business to adapt their marketing strategies to survive. As a result, business need freelancers that are working in specialized roles in order to keep them going, therefore increasing the demand for freelancers.

We will be looking at the job that are most likely to be in demand in 2021 and beyond.

1. Web Designers

Buyers heavily rely on the websites they visit in order to find the information they need for their buying decisions. We have seen a trend where around 50% of mobile users would prefer to use their mobile or over the web rather than downloading apps.

In order to improve customer experience, the business will need to make the design and layout as simple as possible in order to improve the conversions they would get from mobile visits.

This along with other elements would help to capture the visitor’s attention and improve the likelihood of them signing up.

2. SEO Specialists

As more businesses are publishing content in order to build and improve their audience, but will become choosy about what content they would like to see and engage with. Not only are buyers interested in the type of content that would have their questions answers but also, in content that engages with them.

Businesses are acting on this as 31% of content creators are spending around 6 hours per blog post. However, receiving organic traffic does not rely on good content alone, there is a need to build better links in order to make sure the content ranks better on Google. 

It has been observed that 65% of digital marketers find link building more challenging that other marketing tasks, therefore the need for SEO specialists that are dedicated to link building has increased.  

3. Sales Representatives

In order to support virtual work, businesses have begun investing in tools for collaboration. B2B process however, takes time and involves several decision makers. Software vendors cannot continue to rely on potential customers to make purchase decisions on their own so they need sales reps with relevant sales skills.

4. Financial Advisors

The pandemic has made people more uncertain which means they are also evaluating their finances. To avoid financial instability and bankruptcy, they will be looking into financial advisors to help them manage their money better and get out of debt.

5. Graphic Designers

In addition to making content more attractive, images play a big role in making it easier for blog readers to understand the message behind the content, this determines whether or not they take action. Therefore creating visual content that will boost conversations, graphic designers will have to create visual content that falls in line with the brand that they are working with.

Graphic design related trends are also evolving and designers would have to learn about what is going to assist them create better visual content. Geo metric visuals are a big trend because of the contrast that they provide. They also need to be consistent on both a client’s website and on social media channels. 


Freelance work has changed drastically, some businesses have discovered the potential of working with a virtual team and other have learned how to accomplish task with freelancers. This is good news for freelancers as more opportunities are arising and they skills that have been covered are what businesses are currently looking for.

So, set yourself up to succeed and select a skill that is in demand, identify what will set you apart from the rest and reach out to businesses via LinkedIn