
Making a to-do list is perhaps one of the most important things that you can do as a weekly task in order to improve your grades and increase the productivity of your study sessions. According to research done by Oregon State University’s Academic Success Center, when you make a to-do list “you are less likely to miss appointments, forget important tasks, or let small tasks slip through the cracks.”

Here are three main areas that would be positively impacted by you making a to-do list.

1. Making a to-do list will boost your level of productivity

Nothing would hinder your productivity more than when you are sitting at your desk or in the library, trying to figure out what you need to get done and how you have to go about doing it.

You can be assured that you would not be productive doing nothing. This is when a to-do list would help out the most, not only would it boost the productivity of your study sessions but also, help you get on the right track towards being more productive. Logically, if you always know what you need to do, you would not waste time trying to figure it out. So, give it a try.

If you make a to-do list, chances are you will see an increase in productivity. It does not have to be complicated and in reality, it never should be; you just have to note down what is due and what you need to get done.

2. Making a to-do list will improve your ability to focus

The capability to be and stay focused is a very important factor in trying to have a good study session. The world we live in today is noticeably full of distractions: emails, text messages, social media and due to our own short attention spans, we often get derailed and distracted. 

Having a to-do list would help you stay on track and pay attention to the task at hand. This provides a good barrier against any unwanted distractions that would be keeping you from what needs to be done. It will be easy for you to “keep your eyes on the ball” when the only thing you need to do is directly reference your list and cross off tasks as you progress.

If you need to stop and decide what come next, it is likely that you will be tempted to look at your social media to see what is trending. Start making a to-do list for your study sessions and chances are, you will surprise yourself with how much you can stay focused.

3. Making a to-do list will increase your motivation

At times motivation can be a fragile thing, think about sports for a minute. During a big game or match, you would often see a constant shift in momentum from one team to the other. Team A would think they are in control until team B catches up and takes over and vice versa until the time finishes.

The same could be said for your study sessions if you do not have a to-do list. If you do not have a list to work with, the excitement of completing one task will disappear when you are trying to figure out what you need to do next. 

Completing an assignment and marking it off your list can have a positive impact and motivate you. It might sound simplistic but crossing completed tasks off a to-do list can be very satisfying which is never a waste of time is never. So, go ahead and give it a try as soon as possible.