
Successful people have a lot in common, that includes habits, routine and what they do throughout the day.

They Reflect.  

Achieving your best results requires you to reflect on where you’ve been, where you are and where you’re going. Successful people build in quiet time and solitude to do this first things every morning.

They Pause.

If you walk into a tumultuous situation with phones ringing and people crowding to see you every morning, take a minute to center yourself and be fully present before you jump into the day.

They get comfortable.

Your day will go more smoothly if you have an ergonomic environment that’s functional. Successful people start the day by making sure their chair is adjusted properly and the items they frequently access are all in comfortable reach.

They organize.  

Not being able to find things is a huge office time waster, facing a clean or cleaner slate on your desk and desktop will better clear your mind for the day’s tasks.

They stretch and move.

They stretch and get their circulation going before they get into a sedentary sitting position, and take a few short walks around the office throughout the morning.

They prioritize.  

Successful people put the most important tasks first. Though the most critical projects are easy to put off first things in the morning, your energy is strongest them, so that’s the ideal time to confront them.

They visualize success.

By envisioning the positive outcomes of various projects at hand, you can work backward and determine the necessary steps to get your desired results.

They map out their day.

Successful people review their calendars to asses if anything needs changing or rearranging with how their day is planned and to see if there’s any preparatory work that might need scheduling in before a call or meeting.

They help others.

Adopting a service mindset reduce stress and raise job satisfaction because it displaces the object of attention from oneself.

They expect distraction.

We all face some of the same distraction at the start of the day, and recognizing them is the first step to mitigating them.

They say no.

Successful people know how to diplomatically and politely say no to colleagues by offering to engage at a later time.

They reject negativity.

Successful people don’t dwell on any challenging vents that occurred the previous night or on the morning commute or other thoughts.

They greet their team.

Visiting and checking in with your boss and team will help you and others kick start the day, as being friendly first thing in the morning makes the workplace more pleasant for everyone.

They read their stuff.

Strong managers take a moment in the morning to talk briefly with their staff to ensure they seem engaged and motivated.

They smile and laugh.

They start their day with a smile, its simple way to check their attitude and start with the right frame of mind.

They are grateful.

Successful people often take a minute or two every morning to identity somethings they’re grateful for personal or business related.

These activates have been source of learning for me and have helped me along the way, I always enjoy cooperating and supporting others with their tasks even thou I am very busy with my routine I find it like a kind deed, this boosts up my confidence.

What do you do to start your workday? Any activity you plan to add in to your workday?

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