
Not everyone likes to plan ahead, most of us do not like getting into details that may seem overwhelming when it comes to planning something. Even though that is true, planning your semester is important to your study strategy which you will need to develop. In fact, it is so crucial that entire programs have been devoted to teaching organization and productivity.

So, why plan ahead? Here are 4 advantages of planning your semester before it starts:

1. Your stress levels will stay even throughout the semester

A very intriguing thing happen in the middle of the semester and then at the end again. Midterms and finals have a way of overloading students emotionally, mentally and physically.

You may think that is an exaggeration but each semester is filled with “mini stresses” that most students will experience. When study time comes along, students get overwhelmed with their work load and stress levels. Nothing will make you want to take a nap more than a serious increase in your stress level. Hence, planning your semester can help you manage these stress spikes and help you throughout the year.

2. Your grades will end up being higher

Here we are looking at GPA, it is important. Admittedly, it is not everything but it is important nonetheless. If you would like better grades, you need to be in control of your schedule, you need to be the one setting the tone, not your class work. 

However, if you do not plan your work, you might get busy with the next most important thing on your plate, then the thing after that and so on. Ultimately, your grades would grades will be limited by whatever time you have left to spare after your immediate workload gets done with you.  

3. You will end up spending (a lot) less total time

More study yet shorter study sessions and better than fewer yet longer study sessions. In other words, a three hour “cram session” is not as helpful as you might think it is.

If you spread out 2 hours of studying over three days, you would probably be in a much better position than if you had spent 3 hours in a day. That being said, you can get an hour of your time back by simply spreading out these sessions. However, you would need to plan in advance to make this happen.

4. You can work on your schedule — and play on your schedule

A major additional benefit of planning your study sessions is that you would also be able to make time for recreational activities which are equally important as we all need a bit of downtime.  If you want to get more time to spend of things that are not school related, one of the best ways to do so is planning. It sounds simple but it pays off in big ways, do not let your homework and due dates define your schedule, you should be able to fit your homework in where you would want it and still be able to turn it in on time.